Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Value vs Price of a Child

Last night I was checking out at on of the self checkout registers of our local grocery store. After I was done scanning all of our items Morgan turned to me and said, "Mommy!! you forgot to scan the baby!" I replied, "No I didnt!" He said, "yes you did!" Shaking my head after trying to get the last loaf of bread to scan after a faild 20 pass attempt, "Honey she doesnt have a price tag!" he just stared at me and folded his arms promptly and said "Oh".

You know it did get me thinking though. As humans we place prices on everything but ourselves. Sure we put a price tag on healthcare but each individual human does not have a price associated with their being on this planet (at least not since the days of slavery - I am talking US here not worldwide for the moment). But we do put value on our humans. We have to it establishes hierarchy in our lives. Who to hire, who to be friends with, who we want to marry based on the characteristic values we seek in those individuals. We place value on decisions in life. Like the pros and cons of going to work or staying home as a mother/father.

This week has started a life lesson for me in trying to "be here now" especially since my time with my family has a higher value placed on it as it has been limited due to my decision to go back to work. I enjoyed playing with Adelaine for an hour last night, flying up and down like an airplane, seeing her laugh. I enjoyed listening to my husband read the boys the book "No David No" its all about me starting to put my family first and then the house work can follow later. I just know that during the week its hard to tend to the maintenance of having a clean house. Letting other think that I am always together and instead letting the time I put into my kids shine through more by investing in my time with them even more!

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