Yesterday morning I was getting Adelaine ready to head out the door. Noah walked up behind me after he had just helped me pick out a dress for her that day. ( A fushia pink ruffly one) and said "Mommy, Addie smells like popcorn!" I said, "She does? doesn't popcorn smell good then?" he replied to me, "Yes but she stinks like popcorn and she needs changed!"
Noah has been asking us and telling us about different smells more and more lately. How things smell and what he doesnt like the smell of almost sometimes to the point of where he will actually throw a tantrum if he can not get the sensory of the smell he does not like out of his head. Is this a part of his Aspergers? who knows. He has been digging deeper into our brains with his inquisitive questions I find most typical five year olds do not ask. He has no barriers when he asks individuals particularly our sitter like, "Do your boobs have milk in them?" yes, its funny but who asks that? I am glad she is so lighthearted about it becuase it is embarrassing as a mom to hear what your five year old is asking your sitter. But she does love his hugs and kisses throughout the day. Especially when he repeats to her that she is beautiful all day long.
Noah is just full of love and questions. He is a kid that I would not trade for the world. But sometimes when it comes to trying to redirect him or help with whatever sensory moment he is affixed in and can not distinguish its hard. We go to his psychologist on Monday to get his IQ test results back. Considering the boy has taught himself how to read and reads at or above the kindergarden level now, I am not weary of what the results will tell us. I just hope that it tells us more about how he thinks so we can start to understand more things from his perspective.
My cousin's daughter is on the Autism spectrum and smells everything, so I do think it's related. These kids are so much more sensitive than we realize, and the love they give is AMAZING. It sounds like you have a great sitter and am so happy that you have someone that loves your kids like you do.